Faqs Page


I currently have a couple of different types of camera’s

  1. My main Camera and best one is my DSLR Nikon D5300
  2. GoPro 4 Silver
  3. Samsung Gear 360 for my 360 shots
  4. Phone – Google Pixel 3 XL
Categories: Equipment, Photography

I use a Nikon Z 7II FX-Format Mirrorless Camera Body Black.

I have 2 lenses I use on my photoshoots.

Nikon NIKKOR Z 40mm f/2
Nikon NIKKOR Z 24-70mm f/4 S

Category: Equipment

At this current time, I only wear Oakley Flip Flops.

Type is called: Super Coil Sandal 2.0

You can get them from Amazon from here


Category: Equipment


I currently have a couple of different types of camera’s

  1. My main Camera and best one is my DSLR Nikon D5300
  2. GoPro 4 Silver
  3. Samsung Gear 360 for my 360 shots
  4. Phone – Google Pixel 3 XL
Categories: Equipment, Photography

I love taking all kinds of photos. But if I could only choose one. I guess it would have to be Nature Photography.

Category: Photography


I don’t always travel solo but I don’t mind traveling solo.  I would really say that I’m just happy traveling.  There are differences with traveling with others than traveling solo.

Reasons why traveling solo is the best.

  1. You make all of the plans
  2. You get “Me Time”
  3. You make new friends while traveling along.
  4. Traveling solo will boost your traveling confidence
  5. You will just learn things about yourself

Reasons why traveling with others is the best

  1. You get to experience travel with someone.
  2. They might see or know something and point it out to you.
  3. After the trip, you will have great stories to talk about.
  4. You will become closer with that travel buddy
  5. You have each others backs if something happens.

But either way, if you travel solo or with someone.  Just plan that trip and get out and have a blast.

Category: Travel

I haven’t felt homesick yet.  But maybe if I did a trip for like a month or more, than maybe I would.  But not sure on that either, because when I’m traveling I’m seeing so many new and awesome places that I’m just happy.

Category: Travel

I don’t have any fears while traveling solo anymore.

But it wasn’t always like that.  When I first started traveling I was a big planner.

I would make sure that I had the whole trip planned.  The way I was driving, the places I was staying & what I was doing during the trip.

But after time I got to where now I just try and find places I want to see on my trips and have a little plan on what way I will be driving.  But I don’t have any places to stay or anything ready.  I remember going to the North Cascades National Park and I was driving into the park just after 11 pm at night.  I ended up looking at many different campsites before I found the one I stayed at which I found around 12:30 at night.  But I was getting really close to sleeping in my car.

But if you have any fears, please don’t let them stop you from getting out and seeing new things.  Just start out slow and it will get easier.

Category: Travel

I currently do not travel full time right now.  I’m working to get the website and everything so that I will be able to be able to travel full time.  I truly enjoy traveling and seeing new places.

Category: Travel

I have been asked this question so many times. But I truly don’t have a favorite place. I have many places that I just love.

1. Monument Valley
2. Zion National Park
3. Glacier National Park
4. Olympic National Park
5. HorseShoe Bend

If you would like to see where I have traveled please check out Places I have been

If you would like to see what is on my bucket list to see check out Bucket List

Category: Travel

I have to say that I have been very luck and not really had much trouble. But there was one time that I tried to make it to Chaco Culture National Historical Park. Now if there is something that I want to see there isn’t much that will stop me. I will also give it my all to make it also.

So let me tell you the quick story. You can read the Full Story Here. So I started from the south entrance. The road was a dirt road and a monsoon did happen the day before. But I grew up in the country and drove muddy roads before. I was good until I got to the top of the one hill. And then things didn’t go well. I slid down the hill to the right and right into the clay mud. And yes, I drive a Prius.

Category: Travel

For many years now I have been writing down places that I see people travel to that looks interesting/exciting.

Then I would see people on Instagram or Facebook and I would write those down.

I would also chat with people and we would get to talking and they would tell me their favorite places and I would write those down.

If you would like to check out some places I have been or that are on my bucket list.  Please check out the following

If you would like to check out my Current Bucket List

If you would like to check out Places that I have visited.

If you have any awesome places you have been.  I would love to hear your story and about the place. Please fill out the following to send me you travel experience.  I really do love to hear about them.

[contact-form-7 id=”1758″ title=”Travel Story”]

Thanks in advance.


Category: Travel

This is a pretty easy question for me.  I love just getting into the car and driving. I just love seeing new and interesting things.  If those things are places, meeting people or just getting away and relaxing.  There are so many great places in this world.  I just hope that this travel blog will help people want to get out a travel.  You will make so many memories that you will never forget.  If you do it right you can even do it pretty cheap.

Category: Travel

I will be updating this FAQ very Soon.

Thanks for checking out the FAQs

If you have any questions please send me a message Click Here.

Category: Travel

I travel in a 2014 Prius Plug-in

There are many reasons this car works great for me.

  1. The gas mileage allows me to drive about 300 plus miles on about 20 dollars.  That is what I find I use as a guide when I figure out the gas cost for me.
  2. I have done a handful of 1000 mile days.  When I get done I’m not sore and I still feel good.  I haven’t been in any other car that I can do that.  Even my Audi I couldn’t have done that without feeling a little sore.  Sorry Audi, I really loved that car also.  Just not for super long distance driving.
  3. If I need to make a super quick stop for an overnight stay.  I can sleep inside the Prius.  I push the seats forward fully and then I can blow up a full mattress and sleep so comfortable.
  4. Everything that I need to be able to make my trips fits into the car and into the Cargo box I have on top of the car.

If you have any questions please send me a message Click Here.

Category: Travel

I will be updating this FAQ very Soon.

Thanks for checking out the FAQs

If you have any questions please send me a message Click Here.

Category: Travel

I’m not really sure at this moment. I’m currently working on the website and don’t have anything planned yet.

But I’m almost always at least doing some small trips around California.

If you would like to see some of the places that I have visited, please check out the map here.


Category: Travel

I don’t have a yes or no answer to this question.  I think there might always be a possibility of it.

There are two things I have in the making just need more time to make.

  1. I hope in the future to set up trips that will bring people together. If I was to set up a trip or trips, what kind of trip would you be interested in?  Please leave a comment below.
  2. I’m also hoping in the future to set up camping trips for people who would love to get out into nature but have no clue at how to go about it.  I’m trying to come up with a full plan for this.  But you can send me a message below if that is something that will interest you.

If you have any questions please send me a message Click Here.

Category: Travel


Facebook, Instagram, Twitter

Category: WebSite

I picked this name because most of the times that I go traveling or hiking I do it while I’m in Flip Flops.

Yes, that is correct. I just love hiking in Flip Flops. My feet never hurt, if I get a rock in them I can just flip it out and I never get blisters.

1. I’ve hiked up volcanoes.
2. I’ve hiked over 15 miles.
3. I’ve hiked in the rain.

Category: WebSite