Queen Califia’s Magical Circle

So I finally visited Queen Califia’s Magical Circle.  On October 26, 2003 the magic circle opened in Escondido, California.

Times open to the public: Every Tuesday & Thursday from 9am – noon weather permitting.  They are also open every second Saturday from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. with people on site to provide information and answer questions.
Phone: (760) 839-4000
Location: The Sculpture Garden is located in the Kit Carson Park in Escondido, California.

So with this blog post, it will be mostly about the pictures.

Snake Figures

The sun in the eye

Snake Head The Queen  The Egg Snake Head Snake Heads Snake Heads


Totem Figures

So the Totem Figures had such details on them.  You really could spend a good amount of time just looking at the detail on the Totem Figures.

Totem Figures

Totem Figures

Totem Figures

Totem Figures with Chewy

Picture of Chewy on the Totem Figure

Totem Figures

Totem Figures

Totem Figures


The Glass wall

Chewy really had fun looking at himself in the mirrors that were along the wall.

Glass wall with ChewyChewy looking into the glass wall

Camera shot into the glass wall


The Concrete Benches

I’m not really sure why, but I really enjoyed the concrete benches and their odd shapes they had.

Concrete bench Concrete bench Concrete bench


When you are coming up the path that goes to the sculpture garden it will look like this.

Sculpture garden from far away


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